Request to contact shipmate with a Profile Page

We will attempt to forward the information you suppy below to the requested shipmate. If we have no contact information we will inform you usually within 72 hours.

Your name: (first & last)
Your Email Address:

Name of Shipmate you want to contact

Your:current City&State of Residence (Miami,FL)

Your: years on the Gal:(e.g.67-69)

Your: last Rank/Rating (e.g.BM3, SN, Lt.)

Do we have your permission to forward this information to the shipmate you wish to contact?
Yes No

Enter any additional information or comments you would like forwarded in the box below:

Only click send button once, you will receive a notice that the information was sent or an error message that some information was incorrect -- email or name.

(after sending: to return to site: click browser back button ---- do not resend)