Shipmates Association
By Laws

SECTION 1.  The name of this association shall be “U.S.S. GALVESTON CLG-3 Shipmates Association”, hereinafter referred to as “The Association”.  The principle mailing address shall be determined by the Secretary/Treasurer.
SECTION  1.  The purpose of this association is to perpetuate the memory of the USS GALVESTON CLG-3 and the ships company from the date on commissioning to decommissioning.
SECTION 2.  The goals of the association are to:

  1.  Promote good will and fellowship among crew members through annual reunions.
  2. Preserve all documents pertaining to the USS GALVESTON CLG-3.
  3. Maintain all artifacts from the ship which are donated to the association.
  4. Attempt to locate former shipmates.

SECTION 1.  Membership shall be open to any person who at any time served aboard the USS GALVESTON CLG-3 in any capacity, officer, enlisted or who served in any detachment.  The widow of any deceased member shall become an Honorary Member.  Honorary membership can be awarded to men who served on previous ships bearing the name USS GALVESTON, or persons who played a part in the ships history, such as ships sponsor, being christened or married on board the USS GALVESTON CLG-3. A blood relative or a close friend who is proposed and wishes to become an Honorary Member shall be welcome to join also, and will be placed on the “Honorary Roster”, and is subject to the $5.00 dues per year.


SECTION 1.  Dues shall be due on October 1st of each year, monies shall be kept in a checking account by the Secretary/Treasurer.   The Secretary/Treasurer shall make an accounting of monies and expenses to the President and Membership at the annual reunion meeting.

SECTION 1.   Reunions shall be held at a place voted on by the membership at the official meeting to be held during the reunion. Reunions are to be held anytime September to mid-October each year, beginning with registration on Tuesday, and concluding with the Banquet on Saturday.
SECTION 1.  Elective officers shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, Chaplain and Historian.
SECTION 2.  The President and Vice President shall serve a term of two (2) years or until their successors are duly elected.
SECTION 3.  The Secretary/Treasurer, Chaplain and Historian shall serve a term of three (3) years or until their successors are elected.

Duties of Officers
SECTION 1.  The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of this association, he shall preside at all meetings of the members and shall have the deciding vote in the case of a tie.
SECTION 2.  The Vice-President, in the absence of the President, shall perform all the duties that pertain to the office of the President.  He shall assist the President in preserving order, supervise activities at reunions, meetings and perform other duties he may be assigned by the President.
SECTION 3.  The Secretary/ Treasurer shall be responsible for the following:

  1.  The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep accurate records of the proceedings at all meetings; keep a record of each active member with complete name, address, email address and current dues status.  He shall publish a Newsletter at least twice a year to all members.
  2. 1.  He shall collect and record the annual dues.  He shall conduct the financial affairs of the Association, and maintain a complete set of financial records.

2.  He shall at all reasonable times, and during the annual meeting prior to the Business Meeting, exhibit the books, accounts, and financial records to any Officer, Director, or member of the Association upon request.
3.  He shall make copies available during the annual meeting prior to the Business Meeting, and present in writing at the Association’s annual Business Meeting an annual financial report, including a current Balance Statement, setting forth in full the financial condition of the Association.  He shall in like manner provide a copy of the Association’s most recently filed IRS Form 990 at the Association’s annual Business Meeting.
SECTION 4.  The Historian shall protect and preserve all data and documents pertaining to the USS GALVESTON CLG-3 and put such items on display at reunions.  He shall serve as Parliamentarian at all regular meetings.
SECTION 5.  The Chaplain shall deliver the invocation at meetings of the association and send notes of condolences and well wishes to members.
SECTION 6.  An Executive Committee, consisting of the President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer shall make decisions on matters required for the conduct of Association business during the periods between annual reunions.

Nominations and Elections
SECTION 1.  To be eligible for nomination, you must be an active member in Good Standing.
SECTION 2.  Any elected officer can succeed himself to office.
SECTION 3.  In order to accept a nomination the member must be present at the membership meeting or have turned in a written acceptance on nomination prior to the meeting.
SECTION 4.  Past Presidents, upon leaving office, are automatically admitted to the Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors will be composed of the most recent seven (7) past Presidents in good standing.  The purpose of the Board of Directors shall be to advise new officers holding office.  The Board of Directors shall serve as a Special Committee to review and make recommendations on matters referred to it from time to time by action of the membership at a duly called regular meeting.

SECTION 1.  The Officers and Directors shall receive no compensation for their services.
SECTION 2.  The Association shall not sponsor nor endorse any commercial enterprise.  This section does not preclude the Secretary/Treasurer from purchasing any reunion memorabilia for resale to members.

SECTION 1.  All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order.

Order of Business
SECTION 1.  All meetings shall consist of the following agenda:

  1.  Roll Call.
  2. Reading of Minutes.
  3. Treasurer’s Report.
  4. Old Business.
  5. New Business.
  6. Remarks for the good of the Association.
  7. Election of Officers.

SECTION 1.  Should this Association be terminated for any reason, all monetary assets shall be donated to the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society at the time of termination.
SECTION 1.  These By Laws may be amended or changed by such proposal being submitted in writing and read at the annual meeting and decided upon by a majority vote of the members present and voting.

By Law Adoption
SECTION 1.  The voting membership, each having been provided with a written copy of the foregoing By Laws, voted to waive reading of the By Laws, article by article.  Each article was considered in turn and changes were incorporated as reflected in this, the final copy.  These By Laws were then certified by the Secretary/Treasurer of the USS GALVESTON CLG-3 Shipmates Association at the Business Meeting, October, 2008.
SECTION 2.  These By Laws shall be in full force and effective immediately upon their adoption as set forth in Section 1 of this article.

As Last Revised and Amended September, 2014 Virginia Beach Reunion