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Shipmates Association

310 Monroe Avenue

Edgewater Park, New Jersey 08010-1822

E-Mail: galveston@comcast.net

President, Stan Shock - Vice President, Earl Fisher

Secretary/Treasurer, Tom "Soupy" Campbell Jr.

Assistant Secretary/Treasurer, Bob Bakos

Chaplain, Frank "Doc" Garrett - Historian, Art Tilley

Assistant Historian, Charles Fritz


January 2015 Newsletter


            DUES FOR SHIPMATES/HONORARY AND GALS:  The dues for everyone are due on October 1st  each year.  For Shipmates it is still $20.00 and mailed to me at the address in the letterhead, and make the check/money order out to USS GALVESTON CLG-3 and not to me.  Galveston Gals and Honorary Females is $10.00 and mailed to Jane Bakos, 2826 Custer Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15227, Phone #: 412-882-1591 and make the check/money order out to Galveston Gals.  Male Honorary members dues is also $10.00 mailed to me and make the check/money order out to USS GALVESTON CLG-3 and not to me.  Any questions, contact me.


            30TH REUNION 2015:  We will be staying at the Red Lion Hotel (on the river), 909 N. Hayden Island Dr., Portland, OR 97217.  The dates are Tuesday, September 8th thru Sunday, September 13th 2015.  Rooms are $99.00 (plus tax) per night. The phone number to make reservations is: 503-283-4466 and as usual make sure that you tell the reservation person that you are with the USS GALVESTON CLG-3 Reunion.


            DECEASED SHIPMATE:  We have been informed by Lois Myers that her husband and our shipmate Paul L. Myers, FTGC, 59-61& 65 passed away  August 29, 2014.  He will be added to the Shipmates DECEASED ROSTER and remembered in the two (02) bell ceremony at the reunion dinner in Portland, OR.  His wife is made a HONORARY MEMBER.  MAY HE REST IN PEACE.


            DECEASED SHIPMATE:  We have been informed by Marilyn Hayhurst that her husband and our shipmate John W. Hayhurst, EMC, 66-68 passed away on November 10, 2014.  He will be added to the Shipmates DECEASED ROSTER and remembered in the two (02) bell ceremony at the reunion dinner in Portland, OR.  His wife is made a HONORARY MEMBER.  MAY HE REST IN PEACE.    




           THANK YOU:  A big thank you to the Galveston Gals from the shipmates.  After the reunion was over in Va Beach, Va, the checking account for the shipmates was devasted and down to nothing.  The Gals sent a big check for $2000.00 to help the shipmates.  Once again THANK YOU GALS.


            PRESIDENT'S CORNER:  Donna and I hope that everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  We are into the new year and our thoughts on our reunion in Portland, we are of course looking forward to seeing everyone there again.  I would like to point out the obvious, that our officers work all year long to make these reunions possible.  Having said that, it would sure be appreciated having a few more people volunteering to help with the chores at the reunions.  There is always a lot to do to make our reunions successful,  and to those who routinely volunteer, you have our thanks, but it shouldn't always be the same few.  So, please, when you get there, stop by and ask if there is anything you can do to help. 


            SECRETARY/TREASURER'S CORNER:  The Pres and I will be going to San Antonio, Texas sometime around late April to look over hotels for our 2016 reunion, then from there we will be going to either Kissimee or Jacksonville, Florida to look at hotels for our 2017 reunion.  Now San Luce was nominated for the 2017 reunion, but after I contacted them they never even had the courtesy to send a pamphlet about reunions.  So, in accordance with the by-laws we went to other locals in Florida. I hope that we get a good turnout for the reunion in Portland, Oregon.  Anyone looking at the amount of attendance at the reunions on the WEST COAST (except for one), should notice that the attendance records are better in the middle of the states and east coast.


            The next newsletter will be coming out in April 2015.




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