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Shipmates Association
310 Monroe Avenue
Edgewater Park, New Jersey
E-Mail:  galveston@comcast.net
Toll Free Phone #:  866-398-2655
President, Stan Shock - Vice President, John Parker
Secretary/Treasurer, Tom "Soupy" Campbell Jr.
Assistant Secretary/Treasurer, Bob Bakos
Chaplain, Bill Norquist - Historian, Art Tilley
Assistant Historian, Charles Fritz

April 2013 Newsletter

            DUES FOR SHIPMATES/HONORARY AND GALS:  The dues for Shipmates/Honorary and Gals were due in October 1st.  For Shipmates it is still $20.00 and are mailed to me at the address in the Newsletter Letterhead, and make the check out to USS GALVESTON CLG-3 and not to me.  Galveston Gals and Honorary Females is $10.00 and mailed to Jane Bakos, 2825 Custer Av., Pittsburgh, PA, 15227, Phone #: 412-882-1591 and make the check out to Galveston Gals.  Male Honorary members are also mailed to me and is $10.00, and make the check out to USS GALVESTON CLG-3 and not to me.  Any questions feel free to contact me or Jane Bakos.

            28TH REUNION 2013:  The reunion for 2013 is in St Louis, MO.  we are staying at the Hilton St. Louis Frontenac, 1335 S. Lindbergh Blvd., St Louis, MO, 63131.  The dates are Wednesday, September 11 (check-in) thru Sunday, September 15, 2013 (check-out). 
If you check in three (03) days earlier and leave three (03) days after the check-out date you will be charged the price of $89.00 (plus tax) per night the same price we are getting for the reunion.  For reservations call 314-993-1100 or 800-325-7800 and tell them you are with the USS GALVESTON CLG-3 Reunion.  Reservation hours are Monday-Friday 8AM-6PM.  Cut-off for reservations is Wednesday, August 21, 2013.  E-Mail reservation: www.stlouisfrontenac.hilton.com.  There is Shuttle service to the Hotel from the airport and from the hotel back to the airport.  More info will be put out later.  We are not running any tours for the reunion, (just like Galveston, Texas).  If you wish to find out about tours you can contact the Convention and visitors bureau 314-342-5091 and ask for Jenny Malone or email to jmalone@explorestlouis.com and she will help you. 

            DECEASED GALVESTON GAL:  We were informed by Shipmate Ted Mischnick, USMC that our Galveston Gal Marsha Chambers, wife of Shipmate Randy Chambers, USMC passed away on December 27th, 2012 due to cancer.  Marsha will be added to the Gals "DECEASED ROSTER" and remembered in the Two (02) Bell Ceremony at the reunion dinner in St Louis.  Our sincere condolences to Randy and their families.  MAY SHE REST IN PEACE.


            DECEASED SHIPMATES:  We were informed by shipmate John Meacham that shipmate Robert Hobart, GMM3, 61-65 passed away in 2008 and informed by shipmate Joseph Ahearn, YN3, 58-60 passed away 16 Dec 2012, they will be added to the Shipmates "DECEASED ROSTER" and remembered in the two (02) bell ceremony at the reunion in St Louis.  MAY THEY REST IN PEACE.

            DECEASED SHIPMATE:  We were informed by Jennifer Marrano (Daughter) of our shipmate Edmond R. Spring, RD3, *58-60 (Plankowner) that he passed away May 2012.  He will be added to the Shipmates "DECEASED ROSTER" and remembered in the two (02) Bell Ceremony at the Reunion Dinner in St. Louis.  His Wife, Anna is added to the Gals "HONORARY MEMBERS" roster.  MAY HE REST IN PEACE.


            AHEARN, JOSEPH, YN3, 2012
            CHAMBERS, MARSHA, 2012
            DENNIE, WILLIAM W., FTCM, 2013
            GONZALES, ERNIE, 2013
            HOBART, ROBERT, GMM3, 2008
            SCHOL, ROBERT SR., SGT, USMC, 2013
            SPRING, EDMOND R., RD3, 2012


            We were informed by Brenda Kaiser, Honorary Gal, that her Husband Wally passed away on October 23rd.  Our sincere condolences to Brenda and their family.  MAY HE REST IN PEACE.

            DECEASED SHIPMATE:  We were informed of the passing of Shipmate LT Ernie Gonzales, he will be added to the Shipmates "DECEASED ROSTER" and remembered in the two bell ceremony at the reunion dinner in St Louis.  MAY HE REST IN PEACE.

            DECEASED SHIPMATE:  We were informed by Shipmates Ted Mischnick, USMC, and Ron Asmussen, USMC of the passing of our shipmate Robert Schol Sr., SGT, USMC, 65-67 due to a Massive Heart Attack, he will be added to the Shipmates "DECEASED ROSTER" and remembered in the Two (02) Bell Ceremony at the Reunion Dinner in St Louis.  He will be sorely missed at the reunions.  Pam Fulton and Bob's Son Robert Schol Jr are added to the Roster as Honorary Members.  MAY HE REST IN PEACE. 

            DECEASED SHIPMATE:  We have been informed by Sandra Dennie that our shipmate William W. Dennie, FTCM, 62-66 passed away on March 11, 2013.  Bill will be added to the Shipmates "DECEASED ROSTER" and remembered in the two bell ceremony in St. Louis, MO.  His Daughter is made a Honorary Member, and is welcome to attend all functions of the USS GALVESTON association.  Our sincere condolences to Bill's family.  MAY HE REST IN PEACE.


            TENATIVE LIST OF REUNION ATTENDEES' TO ST LOUIS:  The following list is my list of tenative attendees to the St Louis Reunion.  If you see a * by your name, that means that I have you as paid for the reunion dinner Friday evening already.  (If you do not see a * and you have paid, please contact me).  J BAILES; BAKOS; BATSON; *BELL; BERHER; BUSS BRIGHT; LYNDON BRIGHT; *BRUSH; *BULANDA; *SOUPY; *CHAMBERS; MIKE CLARK; CLARKSON; DELUCIA; *DEVINCENTIS; DIONYSIUS, JOHN DUNN; *EARL FISHER; *GANT; GARDI; *GOBER, GOEHNER; *HAMEL; *HAMER & SCHMIDT; HAWKINS; HAYHURST; M HOLCOMB; HOLT; *JOHOVIC; *KRANIS; KUTER; LACEFIELD; LARGENT; PAT LINDLEY; BOB LINDLEY; LOPEZ; MARKS; MEACHAM; MEYER; MICHAELS; MICHALSKI; MISCHNICK; *NEIDERT; *PALMER; PARKER; PICKERING; RICE; *ROCKWOOD; ROGERS; ROWE; *RYAN; SAVARY; SCHMITZ; *SENIRES; SENKPIEL; SHANNON; SHEARN; SHOCK; *SPINELLI; *SWIRIDOW & HELENANN; TANKESLEY; TILLEY; UHLEMAN; *WARNER; DON, BETTY, TINA & GWEN WELCH; *WILLIAMS; *WINDSOR; *WRIGHT and ZIELINSKI.  Total 128  If you see your name and will not be attending please advise me.  Also, if you don't see your name and think will be attending, please advise me also.

            This note is for our Widowed Galveston Gals.  Always remember that even though you have lost your Galveston Guy you are still a part of the GALVESTON family and welcome at all our functions, especially the yearly reunions.  We would love to see you there.  Soupy Campbell

            REUNION SHIRTS:  Bob Bakos will have a note for the July Newsletter pertaining to the Reunion Shirts for St Louis, MO. 

            REUNION BUSINESS MEETING:  At the Reunion Business Meeting in St Louis, MO., there will be nominations and election for the offices of Shipmates Association President and Vice President, also nominations for the 2015 Reunion, West Coast.

            The next newsletter will be July.  That will be the last newsletter until after the reunion in September.  Hope to see a great turnout in St Louie. 
            Soupy Campbell, Secretary/Treasurer
            USS GALVESTON CLG-3 Shipmates Association


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